Conventions…the new frontier

P-Chan P-Chan 3 Comments

There have always been peculiarities between Nerd and Otaku culture and the rest of the known world. For example, when I say ADD, most people think of Attention Deficit Disorder. However, every nerd out there just thought of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Conventions are a lot like that. At times, you could almost believe that you had wondered into an …

Sgt. Kabukiman & Not for the Cool Kids

Tony Testerman Cecil Blade, Main 1 Comment

If you’re a normal follower of The Ninja Legion, you might be asking yourself, “What the hell is Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. and who in the blue blazes are Not for the Cool Kids?” Let me first start off by giving you a bit of background about who Not for the Cool Kids are and what they do. There’s is a …

The Cost of Nerddom

MissMarvel Main, Miss Marvel 1 Comment

Being a nerd is expensive. C’mon, admit it, we buy a lot of things that most people would deem useless save for entertainment value alone. We each have our own nerdy pleasures, but beyond that most of us dabble in other facets. Not only do we buy the movies, games, books, but the memorabilia tied with each of our favorites. …