The Ninja Legion presents the It’s A Trap a game show dedicated to the art of detection, avoidance and survival. At It’s A Trap we take the time to educate you on the various types of traps that you will likely encounter at a convention or even in your daily life. The knowledge you learn will be put to the …
Game Show: Ramen Pong
The Ninja Legion presents Ramen Pong. In this competition, players compete in a bracket tournament style; consisting of two players teams to get the top prize. We welcome you to compete or watch the blazing final rounds. The Rules ***General*** – Players need to stand a minimum of 3 feet from the table. Hands cannot break the ‘plain’ of the …
Game Show: Otaku Wanderer
The Ninja Legion presents Otaku Wanderer. Ever Questioned your fellow Otaku’s knowledge? Well we pit Otaku’s knowledge of each other in Otaku Wanderer. The Ninja Legion crew goes around the first day of the convention to video interview people and test their knowledge of the Otaku World. The contestants will then have to guess whether the Otaku being interviewed has …